
Before embarking on Madeline’s cleanse, I’d never tried anything like this before - but having spent time getting to know her and her passion for health coaching, I trusted her implicitly to guide me through. I'd been experiencing low mood and increased anxiety, likely due to the onset of peri-menopause - and I’d found I was having a negative response to alcohol in particular.

Having Madeline’s support throughout, and connecting to others in the group kept me motivated and inspired - it also provided a valuable space to get ideas for cleanse-friendly family meals, compare how I was feeling with others, and to track my progress.

It was fascinating to see what happened as I started to reintroduce previously familiar foods, how had I never realized the impact that certain foods were having on me before?

5 months later, my eating patterns have changed completely - and I feel calmer, more resilient and positive. I also seem to be receiving a lot more compliments about my appearance and have lost weight - though that was never my intention, I feel healthier.

Now thanks to Madeline, I love having green smoothies every day, eat more organic brown rice than I thought was humanly possible, and generally avoid sugar, wheat and dairy. I do get to enjoy a rare organic chocolate or a decaf coffee when a juicy date just isn’t enough - and I’ve found my tastes have changed, making those choices relatively easy.

I’m so glad that I took that leap of faith and jumped into Madeline’s group programme - it was the most brilliant gift to my body, and to me.

From Pippa Best : entrepreneur, writer, and mother, in Cornwall, England.


If you are looking to redesign your eating habits and feel a gajillion percent better in your body, I highly recommend doing this cleanse with my friend Madeline Rains. I committed to doing it for one week and have been feeling so great, it's week three and I have no desire to go back.

It was super hard the first several days, but totally worth it by the end of the first week. It's not a diet, but it will change the way you think about what you are putting in your body. I couldn't have done it without Madeline's help as a guide.

Stephanie Calabrese, documentary filmmaker in Georgia